About Oklahoma DeMolay
As young men enter their teen years, many challenges lie on the road ahead. We know because we’ve all been there.
There are the temptations and distractions inside and outside of school. There are the difficulties of growing up, finding your place in the world and remaining true to yourself. This road has potholes, dangerous curves, aggressive drivers and overwhelming interchanges.
Don’t go it alone.
Everyone on this road needs some help, guidance and support from time to time, and that’s what DeMolay is all about – creating a brotherhood of young men to challenge, encourage and support each other along this path. To keep each other headed in the right direction. To pick each other up when we fall. And to develop leadership, confidence and character to foster a better world for all.
Our Mission
DeMolay, the premier international youth leadership organization, strives to shape young men into leaders of character.
The DeMolay Approach
With thousands of members worldwide, our philosophy is simple: give young men the tools to lead and the guidance to succeed, and they will amaze you time and again.
From generating ideas, planning events and coordinating logistics to executing on all of it, each youth-led DeMolay Chapter is responsible for defining their own success. All of this is accomplished under the mentorship of trained Advisors, selected from the local community.

What Does DeMolay Do?
DeMolay is all about learning life skills, building confidence and cultivating brotherhood between our members. On any given meeting night or event, these are the things you might expect to see:

Athletic Competitions | Video Game Nights | Volunteer Opportunities | Public Speaking Practice | Team Building | Welcoming & Orienting New Members | Etiquette Class
And much more…
DeMolay’s Seven Core Values
Love for Parents
One of the great lessons of DeMolay is the lesson of filial love. DeMolay members cherish their parents and hold family teachings close to their hearts. Our members strive to repay the love and care of their parents through kindness and civility.
An individual’s religious beliefs are their own. We encourage our members to carry out their teachings while also respecting the views of others, no matter how different they may be from their own.
A DeMolay is kind and courteous toward others, not only in public, but also at home and among friends.
Comradeship binds our members together so they may build a lifelong brotherhood. To be a friend is one of the highest honors, but being a brother involves strong ties of loyalty and trust.
Fidelity means faithful and loyal to all our obligations in life. By being faithful, our members earn the respect and trust of everyone with whom they come in contact.
Cleanness extends beyond physical hygiene. It encompasses being purposeful with our words, careful of our actions, and respectful with our thoughts.
DeMolay encourages each member to be patriotic towards his country and mindful of those who serve to protect it, whether through service or by being an exemplary citizen.

Oklahoma DeMolay Leadership
State Master Councilor
Noah G.
State Deputy Master Councilor
Ethan S.
State Senior Councilor
Cash W.
State Junior Councilor
Josalyn S.
State Sweetheart
Catie L.
Miss Conclave
Scott Back
State Dad Advisor
Kendra Bailes
State Mom Advisor
Brad J. Northcutt
Executive Officer